Our second annual car show is on July 27 – join us for some family fun! We’re hosting our 2nd annual Chamber Car Show on the square.
Prizes will be awarded for each category: Cars – Antiques, Classic, Custom, and Rat Rod; Bikes, Trucks, Tractors, and People’s Choice. There is a $10 entry fee for participants in the car show. Our thanks to Max Motors for sponsoring the Car Show prizes. At 5:45, car show participants should line up at the Butler High School for a short parade around the neighborhood — past Butler Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare and Medicalodges — before arriving at the square.
Visitors to the Car Show can enjoy a great variety of activities – a 50/50 Drawing, food vendors, and a free kids’ car show with a parade at 6:30 p.m. The first 50 registered will receive a Dash Plate Cruise, sponsored by CTC Transportation, for a cruise around Sonic at 9:00 pm. From 7:00-9:00 p.m., DJ Lee Dogg will provide music, so bring your dancing shoes! Or some boots made for walking around the square enjoying a cool summer evening with friends and neighbors.
Please call the Chamber Office for more information – 660-679-3380.