- We’d like to share this exciting announcement from Electric City Downtown:
Small Business Saturday was started by American Express in 2010 and is now a day officially recognized by the U.S. Senate. This event encourages individuals from as the country to support small, local businesses. Small businesses play a key role in helping communities thrive.
Electric City Downtown applied and was chosen as a Neighborhood Champion. This means we’re working towards uniting shoppers and business owners in our community. Join us at the Welcome Station at 11 am at City Hall (Butler, MO) for kick off -or- stop by through out the day to pick up a bag of goodies.
Help us celebrate and support our small businesses both on the square and throughout the community. By shopping or dining at your favorite local places throughout the year, you’re showing your support for small businesses and making a positive impact in our community.
Connect with us on Facebook @Butlerchamberofcommerce to stay updated!